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Re: using dpkg

On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 06:28:58PM +0545, Paras pradhan wrote:
> hi:
> how can i install deb files without executing it's preinst and postinst 
> file.. is it possible to pass parameters in dpkg -i ?
The closest you might be able to get is to use dpkg -x to unpack the
archive directly.  However, dpkg will not actually know that it is
installed.  You could also build a custom version of the package without
the scripts.  You can check out my page for a HOWTO describing package


You could also install the package on another machine, remove the
scripts from where they are installed (or make them empty files) in
/var/lib/dpkg/info/, and then use dpkg-repack to rebuild the same .deb
package without the scripts.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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