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Re: OT: Electoral College [Re: U.S. federal income tax program]

On Monday 29 August 2005 05:58 pm, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:

> Parents do a piss poor job of raising their children to be concerned 
> citizens because they are too busy working their two jobs so they can live 
> in the nice neighborhood in a 5 bedroom house and drive a new Escalade and 
> new Mercedes convertible.   
> So the kids are stuck being raised by public education officials and 
> "after school programs."  Don't get me wrong, I know plenty of dedicated
> public school teachers.  However, public education is not designed to
> function as an institution at the level above that of baby sitter.  The
> dedicated individuals in public education are the exception, not the
> rule.

These same people (well, at least the ones who make at least a halfassed, but 
less than a real effort to raise their kids) then encourage their son to take 
up Scouting, then don't follow through on their parental responsibility to 
chip into the troop because they think "it's crazy to get my new Escalade 
muddy by exposing it to the environment for which it was built," or even 
volunteer just once to help sign off advancement requirements.  Then they 
wonder why everyone else in the troop is pissed off at them for not towing 
the line.  Fortunately, Scouting is becoming far less tolerant of absentee 
parents; it's Boy Scouts of America, not Baby Sitters of America.

And to the people who say "But I have to drive across town and live in a huge 
house, beyond my means!"  No, you don't, nor should you have the right to 
impinge your thoughtlessness on the rest of the world.  That mentality is why 
the US has bad traffic, a large contributing factor to high gas prices, Kip 
Kinkle (et. al.), and idiotic congressional investigations violating the 
first amendment over video game content.  The last time the world encountered 
people like you, the French had a revolution and killed them.  Ask them about 
it sometime.

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