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Re: Do I have to use exim?

On Sun, Aug 21, 2005 at 05:19:59AM -0400, Scott Fitzgerald wrote:
> Hrmm, looks like the best thing to do is explain what I am trying to 
> do, and see if I get an opinion on how to do it best.  Let's try this 
> again.
> Exim looks like it can do anything, but also looks incredibly complex, 
> like learning a computer language on it's own.  I am looking to avoid 
> spending the time to learn all those options.

Not so in Debian. dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config is what I use to solve
my problem, which is similar to yours. What you need is a smarthost

If you still `fear' or don't have the patience to confgure exim4, you
can as well use fetchmail or getmail to directly spawn procmail to
deliver the message to /var/mail/<username>

> I am currently a Kmail user, and am using my ISP's smtp server as well
> as their pop server just fine.  

Then .fetchmailrc can look like this

poll <popserver> with proto POP3 and options
no dns user 'username' with pass 'password'
is 'localuser' here mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T"

(Add keep to prevent deletion of messages onthe server)

Done. For SMTP, use KMail or use a simple tool like msmtp.

> I also noticed that in my last installation woody, I got several emails
> from things like anacron and installing mozilla that were sent to my 
> /usr/var/username account which under this new default sarge installation
> are conspicuously missing.  This leads me to believe that somehow exim is
> not yet set up on my system correctly, what could cause this?  I see
> nothing in my /var/mail/username account.

Check whether root is aliased to your ordinary username in
/etc/aliases. Also, I don't think you'll get any of these messages if
exim isn't running.

> I would like to keep my options open to learn mutt down the road, as well
> as standard command line stuff, like using the command "mail."


> Thanks for any advice you can give me,

dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config -> choose Yes/No -> Mail sent by
smarthost... -> Ok -> Ok -> Ok -> Ok -> mysmtpserver.myisp.com -> Yes
-> Yes -> Yes or No.

Then, edit /etc/email-addresses and add an entry like

localusername: actual@email.address

Finally, edit /etc/exim4/passwd.client and add an entry:


Restart exim4.

Done. Didn't take me more than 5 minutes. I'd advice you to try it out.

Kumar Appaiah,
462, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

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