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Re: Printer & localhost:631

On Thu, 18 Aug 2005 12:39:02 +0200 using the keyboard as a tool Mirko crafted
these words:

    |- > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    |- > # telnet localhost 631
    |- > Trying
    |- > telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out
    |- That seems like your networking setup is broken, or you have a firewall
    |- which drops packages. If networking was OK, and no server process was
    |- listening on port 631, you would get the following error:
    |- telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

No Mirko, thanks to Clive I discovered what the net address for this machine
was, I had actually tried that row of numbers without any success, that's why
I thought I might just have it wrong.

Now when I ping I get:-  

ariestao:~# ping -c1 ariestao
connect: Invalid argument

So maybe the network is broken, though i don't have a network, and will go for
a clean install. That must be what is required, I think this is what they do
in windows mainly so Debian is probably following suit. It should fix it.

So thank you for your help, and I will just have to maybe leave the default
"Debian" when they ask for the hostname? Maybe that will work then.

Thank you,

As for me, I delight in the everyday Way, Among mist-wrapped vines and rocky
caves. Here in the wilderness I am completely free, With my friends, the white
clouds, idling forever. There are roads, but they do not reach my world; Since
I am mindless, who can rouse my thoughts? On a bed of stone I sit, alone in
the night, While the round moon climbs up Cold Mountain.
Trying a Linux Debian Sarge System

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