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Debian + GDM/KDE

I'm trialing out Debian in a VMWare virtual machine
(before I actually take the plunge and partition my
hard drive -- had some bad experiences, which I won't
go into.)

Anyway. I have downloaded Debian (Sarge I think is the
latest one), and also tried to download Gnome/GDE and
KDE via apt-get and aptitude. After hours of
downloading, and installing, and configuring, I reboot
and, after installing KDE, I get a loading message for
KDE. The screen blanks, the resolution changes, a
short pause, and then I'm back to the login prompt.

Can anyone help me pinpoint why this is the case? I
have used defaults on most of the configs, and used
UK-specific information where possible.

I have used Linux before, but I have never installed
Linux myself, hence my ignorance.


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