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Re: fetchmail running as a daemon, but can't deliver to user's mail box

On Sat, Jul 16, 2005 at 01:24:00AM +0800, bxuefeng wrote:
> I use mutt to collect mail and in my muttrc file, I have this line:
> macro index G "!fetchmail -m 'procmail -d %T'\r"

You'll want to take this stuff out of mutt. For one thing,
what if another user decides to retrieve his or her mail in
Evolution? Put the procmail command in Postfix or Exim or
whatever MTA you're using.

Now, I've never been clear why -- I'm sure others are -- but
fetchmail can't really run as a global daemon. You can have
each user's copy of fetchmail run as a daemon, and that
works fine. You include that configuration option in
~/.fetchmailrc. My ~/.fetchmailrc looks like so:

poll [mailhost] with proto imap:
	plugin "ssh %h /usr/sbin/imapd" auth ssh fetchall

set daemon 300

which says "Connect via ssh to the remote host every 5

Now you can get rid of that mutt command. When you want to
refresh mutt, just press Ctrl+L; it'll check whether there
are any new messages in /var/mail/[username].

> What should I configure in order to make fetchmail daemon become
> procmail-wise and source ~/.procmailrc?

One of the trickiest parts of Linux to get used to is how
all the pieces fit together. Here's a rough sketch:

0) Fetchmail connects to remote server, grabs mail, delivers
it to Exim/Postfix/etc. (generically, "MTA").
1) MTA does its processing.
2) MTA can hand mail off to procmail.
3) Procmail slices and dices your mail, puts various
messages in various boxes, etc. Often messages end up in
user's spool (/var/mail/[username]).
4) mutt checks spool periodically to see whether it's

Does that help at all?

Stephen R. Laniel
+(617) 308-5571
PGP key: http://laniels.org/slaniel.key

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