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Can you launch URL from email application? -- Follow-up

Dear friends:

The browser preference in KDE, Control Center, KDE Components, Component 
Choose is set to Epiphany as it the html in File Associations.

I tried to change the browser to Firefox. Same strange results. Yet, no 
problem in Evolution with Epiphany. So, it's not a browser issue. 

Thank you.


I am sure I must be doing something wrong, but I have tried repeatedly to 
click on a URL in Kmail or Thunderbird and launch the URL in the Web Browser, 
any web browser. I have failed in Kmail and Thunderbird but it works 
perfectly in Evolution and it brings up Epiphany. Is this really possible? 
Please see screenshot of Kmail (assuming you can launch it in YOUR browser) 


Thank you so much.


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