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Re: Why has "find ... -exec rm -i '{}' ';'" stopped working?

On Tuesday, 05.07.2005 at 10:03 +0100, Adam Funk wrote:

> I have a script called texclean as follows:
> #!/bin/sh
> if [ -z "$1" ]; then
>     DEPTH=1;
> else
>     DEPTH=$1;
> fi;
> for PATTERN in '*~' '*.log' '*.aux' '*.bbl' '*.blg' '*.toc' \
>                '*.lof' '*.lot' '#*#';
> do
>     find . -maxdepth $DEPTH -name "$PATTERN" -exec rm -i '{}' ';';
> done
> Recently it stopped working because "rm -i" in "find..." no longer appears
> connected to the console for input.  Typing "find -name '*~' -exec rm -i
> '{}' ';'" directly prints a list of rm-questions, doesn't get an answer,
> and so does nothing.
> Why did this behaviour change, and how can I fix my script?

What was the previous behaviour - were you prompted for each file that
exists matching the pattern and had to confirm it manually?

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Dave Ewart - davee@sungate.co.uk - jabber: davee@jabber.org
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