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Re: Setting up a Java development environment the debian way.

Alan Chandler wrote:

>I have decided the time has come to learn java and use it to develop some web 
>based applications.  In particular I have a family tree project I want to 
>I am a complete newbie as far as java is concerned.
>I have two debian environments.
>Server:  Runs Sarge - and is running Apache2 and Postgres.  I will want the 
>ultimate application to run on here (on Tomcat?) and provide its UI via the 
>web site and use Postgres database to store its data. 
>Apache runs several virtual hosts - one is my current external web site for 
>http: access, and also a separate one for https: access I also run two 
>internal (to my lan web sites).  Since I want my relatives to be able to add 
>information to my family try from external - I will use one of them for my 
>"production" version of the application (depends on security controls I 
>decide to adopt).  I will also run the "development" version of the 
>application on one of the internal web sites.
>Workstation:  Runs Debian Unstable with KDE as my desktop.
>So my questions are:
>1) What tools do I need to develop the application.   This includes code 
>editiing, build environment, unit testing, I tried to setup eclipse on my 
>workstation but there are unsatisfied dependencies (java runtime?).

Netbeans : http://www.netbeans.org
the best java ide i see so far

>[Assume I can choose my configuration management environment - subversion 
>probably (and especially if its integrated into an IDE) - but I am also 
>considering others]
>2) What run time environment
>[I am assuming from my current position of ignorance that I want to develop 
>servlets and jsp pages for this application].
>Obviously all this from standard debian packages if that is possible
You might want to search debian java information as many as possible.
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