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Re: Installing the new release (Sarge)

On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 02:04:49PM -0400, disciple@exis.net wrote:
> Thanks...  I'm still new.  I'm thankful for people like yourself that help
> people like me out.  This is a lesson that I DEFINITELY WILL NOT FORGET.
> If all I need are the 1st 3 or 4 CD's, then what is on the other 10 CD's,
> just a whole lot of software?  Is there a breakdown somewhere of what is
> on each CD?
it a common question. Debian figures out what software is used the most
and puts that on cd #1 and so on. so the last cd contains the least used
software. If you install the 'popcon' software, it reports back what is
the most popular software you use to Debian.
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