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Mozilla-firefox printing menu non-working entries


I print using the cups printing system.
However when I try to print from mozilla-firefox and invoke print i get a 
dialog with a drop down menu that includes


now the first ones (until Postscript/hp_laserjet) don't work and are 
incomprehensible to me.

What are they? Can I get them to work in addition to cups? 
Or else Can I at least get them  off the menu so I dont have to hunt for the 
in a click down menu? Where are the setttings in the mozilla-firefox package.

Clearly they seem (at least) to be related to my cups printer name.  

What is Xprint anyway? I just have figured out cups (so to speak, at least it 
works now...) .

I see Xprint on the google of mozilla-firefox. will it conflict with cups? 

MItchell Laks

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