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Re: Listing packages oldest to newest

On 6/1/05, Maurits van Rees <maurits@vanrees.org> wrote:
Hello Shidai Liu,
dpkg --get-selections

will get you a list of packages that are installed, but that's just in
alphabetical order.

Thanks for this tip.

If you didn't clean your package cache the following command will list
packages from newest to oldest:

ls -lt /var/cache/apt/archives/

[If there are some files in here and you want to save disk space you
could easily delete them. The Debian way is by issuing the command
'apt-get clean'.]

I do apt-get clean  often. So nothing left in that directory.

But I don't understand why the age of a package could be a good
argument for removing it. I suggest another approach.  Install the
packages debfoster and deborphan with apt-get (or whatever package
manager you are using):

Sometimes when I install a package, it introduce a lot of dependencies. If it's the last package I installed and I can see the top newest ones, it's easy to remove them using apt-get. I think aptitude can do the trick but it crawls in my box PII 233 with 32 RAM.

apt-get install debfoster deborphan

Short descriptions:
debfoster: Install only wanted Debian packages
deborphan: Find orphaned libraries

I have tried deborphan. It's very nice indeed. Thanks.

Read the docs of these packages and come back with more questions if
any come up. Basically these packages help you to keep a trimmed
system without unwanted stuff. I think I recommended them on this list
a few weeks ago, so you may also want to search there.


Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [Dutch/Nederlands]
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