Re: exim SMTP Authentication wrote:
> Exim can't find the drivers which leads me to believe that the exim
> package wasn't built with AUTH capabilities. If that is so, does
> anyone use exim with smtp auth or exim4 with SMTP auth and is is
> built into that package?
There are two exim packages,
exim4-daemon-heavy - exim MTA (v4) daemon with extended features,
including exiscan-acl
exim4 daemon with extended features. In addition to the features
already supported by exim4-daemon-light, the extended features include
LDAP, PostgreSQL and MySQL data lookups, SASL and SPA SMTP authentication,
embedded Perl interpreter, and exiscan-acl for integration of
virus-scanners and spamassassin.
exim4-daemon-light - lightweight exim MTA (v4) daemon
exim4 daemon with only basic features (including support for TLS
encryption and the dlopen patch to allow dynamic loading of a
local_scan function) enabled. It works well with the standard setups
that are provided by Debian.
If the light version doesn't have the necessary drivers, you should try
the heavy version. I'm right now using the heavy version so that I can
use the cyrus authentification facilities.
- Adam
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