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On 5/12/05, sabina <Sabina.Puljek@public.srce.hr> wrote:
> Please i need driver es 1373 

In the future, I would advise you to use a subject in your mails and
to be a little more verbose with your question. I'm going to assume
that you know next to nothing about your kernel configuration. Follow
these steps:

do uname -r. If it is 2.2.20, install a newer kernel like so:
apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.18-1-686
You can see all kernel images by searching for them: (handy if you
have a different type of processor, or are not running woody)
apt-cache search 'kernel-image'

After that, make sure lilo is configured well (probably is), let the
install run it, and reboot.

Now, if you have a decent number kernel, as root run:
and look for the section with audio drivers. In that section, try out
a few and you will probably find a good one for your soundcard.

Once you have installed the driver in the kernel, install a mixer
program like aumix, and make sure your sound is not muted.


P.S.: If you are running woody, I'd suggest upgrading to sarge
(currently still 'testing'). It's quite stable, much more featurefull
and will be the next stable soon.
P.P.S: soon means 'when hell freezes over'

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