Re: apt-get deprecated?
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Paul E Condon wrote:
> Aptitude and apt-get behave differently when removing packages.
> Aptitude keeps track of which packages were install because the user
> directly requested that they be installed and which were installed in
> order to satisfy a dependency. Then when the user request that a
> package be removed, it checks its database of packages that were
> installed to satisfy a dependency and also removes those 'dependancy
> satisfying' packages that can be removed because no other package
> needs them.
> In most cases this is good, but it can lead to aptitude doing really
> bad things in some special situations. For instance, I once installed
> kde by requesting the single over-all package that exists only to
> bring in all the packages needed to give the user a standard kde
> set-up. Then, after using it for a while, I decided that a lot of
> what was there was stuff and clutter that I didn't want. I tried to
> remove the stuff that I didn't want, but aptitude wouldn't do it,
> because it insisted that I had to remove the over-all kde package
> first. But when I removed that, it threatened to remove all kde
> packages, which is not what I wanted. I used apt-get to remove the
> package kde. This made all of kde's component packages into
> independent packages in the little mind of aptitude. Then I removed
> the ones that I didn't want without aptitude trashing the rest of my
> kde set-up.
> So, both are needed, at least until users like me understand aptitude
> internals better.
One good reason to stick to apt-get.
- --
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
Gnupg Key ID: 04F130BC
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is
"Necessity is the mother of invention."
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