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Re: ARCHI server for Linux ? (and FTP-Search Project)

Hello Andreas,

Am 2005-04-11 12:50:29, schrieb Andreas Liebe:
> Michelle,
> Archie servers has been a proprietary software by a canadian company
> called Bunyip. They went out of business at the end of the last century.
> All archie servers that I'm aware of disappeared from the Internet
> afterwards because the licensing was unclear. Archie.de went offline in
> 1999. If the software has been GPLed Archie would still be available.
>  -Andreas

I hate Hiobs-Message like this one !!!  Arghhhh...

So we should create an ARCHI Project...


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
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