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Re: Duplicate directory structure

On Fri, Apr 01, 2005 at 08:05:22AM -0500, Ed Curtis wrote:
> I need to create an exact duplicate of a directory structure off one
> server and replicate it on another. Only the directories need to be moved,
> no files. The permissions should remain the same. How would I go about
> doing this?

You can do nice things with 'find'. You can run the following in the
shell (or make a script out of it).

DEST="destination dir"; find . -type d -printf "mkdir --parents --mode=%m \"${DEST}/%P\"; chown %u.%g \"${DEST}/%P\"\n" > tmp.sh

This makes a file with the following lines which can then be sourced
(executed) by the shell. Just transfer tmp.sh to your second server
and run 'source tmp.sh'. I did a small test which resulted in the
following file. 

mkdir --parents --mode=755 "destination dir/"; chown maurits.maurits "destination dir/"
mkdir --parents --mode=755 "destination dir/a"; chown maurits.cdrom "destination dir/a"
mkdir --parents --mode=755 "destination dir/a/b"; chown maurits.maurits "destination dir/a/b"
mkdir --parents --mode=755 "destination dir/a/b/c"; chown maurits.maurits "destination dir/a/b/c"
mkdir --parents --mode=751 "destination dir/m v r"; chown maurits.maurits "destination dir/m v r"

I think that basically does what you need. It takes care of
permissions and ownership. Else you can modify the parameters of
'find'. Let it start with 'find /' instead of 'find .'  to do this for
all your directories instead of just the current one. Of course you
need to be root to make that work.


Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [Dutch/Nederlands] 
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