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problems with svn and apache2

i'm having problems with svn and apache2.
i've installed libapache2-svn
i've configured the site as the documentation says
but when i try to connect and checkout, import, etc it keeps saying : PROPFIND de '/svn': 301 Moved Permanently
i've checked the logs of apache and nothing strange. the error log is empty. and the access log seems ok.

the error :

pablo@debian:~$ svn co http://www.pablo.econo.unlp.edu.ar/svn
Reino de autentificación: <http://www.pablo.econo.unlp.edu.ar:80> svn
Clave de 'pablo':
svn: requerimiento PROPFIND falló en '/svn'
svn: PROPFIND de '/svn': 301 Moved Permanently (http://www.pablo.econo.unlp.edu.ar)


the apache log: - - [28/Mar/2005:04:37:10 -0300] "PROPFIND /svn HTTP/1.1" 401 556 "-" "SVN/1.1.3 (r12730) neon/0.24.7" - pablo [28/Mar/2005:04:37:14 -0300] "PROPFIND /svn HTTP/1.1" 301 402 "-" "SVN/1.1.3 (r12730) neon/0.24.7" - - [28/Mar/2005:04:37:46 -0300] "PROPFIND /svn HTTP/1.1" 401 556 "-" "SVN/1.1.3 (r12730) neon/0.24.7" - pablo [28/Mar/2005:04:37:49 -0300] "PROPFIND /svn HTTP/1.1" 301 402 "-" "SVN/1.1.3 (r12730) neon/0.24.7"


somebody knows whats going on.
thanks in advance.

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