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subversion and libapr large files support

Today on a fully updated debian testing installation, I tested importing some large MySQL .MYD, .MYI, etc files into an SVN repository and it appeared to hit a 2GB limit somewhere in the subversion or apache runtime (libapr) code. I sent this problem to the subversion users list and they blamed it on the apache runtime libapr either being too old or not having large file support compiled in (message at http://svn.haxx.se/users/archive-2004-11/1007.shtml ).

If Ben Collins-Sussman is right about this being a libapr limitation, shouldn't the libapr package have large file support enabled?



Console session logs demonstrating the problem follow:

rob_at_toblerone:~$ svn import -m 'initial import' /home/mysql/sgn/
Adding (bin) /home/mysql/sgn/enzymes.MYD
Adding (bin) /home/mysql/sgn/loc_types.frm
Adding (bin) /home/mysql/sgn/enzymes.MYI
... <snip>
Adding (bin) /home/mysql/sgn/blast_targets.frm
Adding (bin) /home/mysql/sgn/authors.MYI
Adding (bin) /home/mysql/sgn/map_cross.MYI
svn: Can't check path '/home/mysql/sgn/est.MYD': Value too large for
defined data type

file sizes:

rob_at_toblerone:/home/mysql/sgn$ ls -l est.*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mysql users 2213099276 Jul 27 15:58 est.MYD
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mysql users 62985216 Jul 27 21:58 est.MYI
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mysql users 8826 Dec 4 2003 est.frm

Robert Buels
SGN Bioinformatics Analyst
252A Emerson Hall, Cornell University
Ithaca, NY  14853
Tel: 607-255-2360

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