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Re: bash profile not sourced under X

Marc Wilson <msw@cox.net> writes:

> On Thu, Mar 24, 2005 at 12:09:34PM +0000, Nic Ferrier wrote:
>> I think that GNOME *should* provide a startup script of it's own from
>> which you could ensure that your profile was executed.
> Far be it for me to point out the obvious idiocy in that plan... but *what*
> profile would it execute?  For what shell?  Oh, wait... everyone uses bash,
> right?
> Nonsense.  A clued user takes steps within the mechanisms of whatever shell
> he uses to ensure things are set up the way he wants them.  Why does this
> suddenly become so hard to comprehend when the shell is *X*?
> X has a startup mechanism the same as bash/ash/dash/csh/zsh/ksh/etc.  Use
> it.  No other shell is running.

I didn't say that any GNOME startup script *should* call a
profile. But that users could then use it that way. 

The reason that a GNOME specific script is desirable over the X
startup mechanism is that the X startup mechanism is complicated by
the need to call GNOME at the end of it.

In my bash profile I don't have to say:


at the end but I have to say:


at the end of my .xsession if I want GNOME (or whatever) to start.

Yes, that seems trivial. But GNOME is the environment built on top of
X Windows so it doesn't seem unreasonable that it should provide a
script which could do GNOME specific startup.

Nic Ferrier

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