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Re: thunderbird + imap + folders

Felix Dorner wrote:

> I let my email provider handle to move certain messages to certain
> folders. Now, when Thunderbird fetches mail, it appears to only fetch
> those that are in the "Inbox" folder. The 113 new Messages in the
> debian-users(:-) folder are only fetched when I click on that folder in
> thunderbird. having 10 folders or so this is quite nasty. I know I could
> probably let thunderbird manage the sorting of messages, but I think,
> that it is much more comfortable to let the mailserver do that, since I
> am not dependent of the mail client. How does everybody deal with this
> problem?

You can right-click on the folder in the folder tree, choose Properties,
check 'Check this folder for new messages'. It's a bit tedious to do
this for all folders you want to watch, but it works.

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

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