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Re: 486 laptop...

On Tue, 2005-03-22 at 09:18 -0500, Matt Price wrote:
> hi folks,
> I've just inherited a 70 mHz 486 laptop with 24m RAM (!).  It
> currently runs Windows 95.  question:  what can one do withsuch a
> machine?  Any ideas out there?  Anything would be great, but something
> educational would be great -- my 6-year-old would love a computer.

http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/applications.html is Debian-based.

But since it doesn't have a bootable CD-ROM or UDB drive...

Woody, booted from floppy and installed via CD-ROM, using the
fvwm wm and XFree v3.3.6.

But, we can't give you any really good advice, since you haven't 
told us important stuff like:
- how big is the hard drive?
- is there a floppy drive?
- is there a CD-ROM drive?
- is there a NIC?
- is there a PCMCIA slot (to put a NIC in)?
- which video chip is used?

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

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