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Subject: disable automatic connection to my ISP

1st I have not had time to check 2 years worth of mailing list archives to see
if there is already a answer to this problem. Soo...


After alleviating what I believe might have been hardware problems I 
finally installed the Woody distribution of Debian GNU/Linux on my 
system. I managed to solve a few problems, and now have a rudimentary 
working system.

At installation time I selected (from tasksel): all of the 'end user' 
tasks, except the laptop tasks; only the 'print server' tasks from the 
'servers' task list; all of the 'development' tasks; and 'Tex/LaTex'.

After the installation, the graphical login was not displaying properly, 
however, I corrected the configuration of XFree86 for my monitor. I also 
managed to figure out and configure Mozilla Mail so that the system now 
dials my ISP whenever I try to access either my E-mail or a WWW site.

I then installed 'kwuftpd', 'webmin-wuftpd', and 'wu-ftpd'.


Once the system was installed I noticed that it automatically dialled my 
ISP. even when I didn't want it to.

How can I disable this? Turn it off? or Change the parameters so that it 
occurs on a schedule that I'm more comfortable with?

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