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Re: Partition Type in fdisk

On Fri, Mar 11, 2005 at 09:19:16AM -0500, Marc Shapiro wrote:
> I have two partitions that were originally created and formatted as FAT 
> (one FAT16 and the other FAT32).  Both have since been reformatted at 
> ext3.  If I mount them without specifying the formatting and then run 
> mount to display the mounted partitions they show as ext3.  No surprises 
> there.  If I run fdisk, however, it still shows the original partition 
> type.  I guess reformatting does not change that.  My question is 
> whether the reverse is also true.  Can I go into fdisk and change only 
> the partition type (just to get everything in sync again) without 
> messing things up.

Yes. You don't really need to, as linux does not use the partition type
(except for software RAID autodetection), but you can do it.


> One of those partitions is my fake_windows partition 
> for wine and I really don't want to mess it up because it always takes 
> too much effort to get wine working again when it gets fubar.
> -- 
> Marc Shapiro
> mshapiro_42@yahoo.com
> -- 
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