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Re: where is the FQDN located

On Sun, 6 Mar 2005 13:27:30 -0800, Rodney D. Myers
<rdmyers@mtpalomar.net> wrote:
> When I installed linux sometime ago, I had a registered domain name.
> Now I don't. How do I remove that info completely from my Debian Sarge
> system?
> Postfix still tries to send email to my old domain, and I want to
> eradicate this problem.
> Thanks

There are just a few things I'll restate for the benifit of this conversation.

Your simple hostname should reside in /etc/hostname (eg, www for
/etc/hosts should contain the FQDN for your network adaptor.  It's
less important if it's dynamic, or if the reverse and forward DNS are
setup for your network adaptors address here.  As for the postfix
issue, don't forget to check the postfix configuration, or reconfigure
it via dpkg-reconfigure postfix.  As mentioned before, grep is helpful
- however I find the -ril switches most useful. Eg, grep -ril /etc
example.com (and again as www).  If you really must ditch your old
config, remove the package with the --purge option.  Eg, apt-get
remove --purge postfix. (you'll want backups if you remember something
*was* important, because all the configs for that program are

Just by policy, I personally reboot after changes to the hostname or
/etc/network/interfaces.  It's saved countless headaches associated
with networking issues.

If after all this you're still left amiss with the old hostname, try
strace.  You'll have use strace to spawn postfix, and log all system
calls, including their calling conventions used, etc etc. (even text
files read, data from textfiles - somewhere it's going to pickup that
old hostname).  Read up strace(1) for the full guide, but you'll
generally find this helpful:

strace -s 102400 -ffo postfixlogs -- postfix ...

And if you can't wrap your head around the init script, or guess right
at the command line to start postfix, you can:

strace -s 102400 -ffo postfixlogs -- sh /etc/init.d/postfix start

I suggest you move or nuke the strace logs before you run a new
invocation.  It'll be easier to tell what log files belong to what
run.  The command output I've listed will allow capture of very long
strings in reads+writes, and system calls.  Each pid forked will be in
its own filename with the pid appended to the basename.  Eg,

You might do this while sending your test email message, you'll see
how it handles all the composting of the message as it hops from the
queue to final delivery.

Thank you,

Scott Edwards
Daxal Communications - http://www.daxal.com
Surf the USA - http://www.surfthe.us

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