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Re: alternatives per user WAS: Changing the "default" web-browser

Bram Mertens wrote:
I would like to set a different alternative for a regular user. As I
understand from man update-alternatives this is the idea behind the
alternatives system. However only root can make (system-wide) changes to
the alternatives system.

Is there a way to have x-www-browser point to /home/M8ram/bin/startopera
for the user m8ram while pointing to /usr/bin/opera [1] for all other



[1] I had to add this alternative with:
# update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-www-browser \
x-www-browser /usr/bin/opera 140
(debian testing, opera version 8.0-20050104.5)

I don't know! With update-alternatives you can set alternatives for all users.


Francesco Cioffi
Linux User id #340148 (http://counter.li.org)
Debian GNU/Linux user (http://www.debian.org)
Universita` del Sannio di Benevento (http://www.grace.ing.unisannio.it)
SannioLUG (http://www.sanniolug.org)

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