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Re: Securing command line passwords

On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 11:34:26AM +0200, David Baron wrote:
> There is only one machine as of now. So ...
> Is there something I can do instead of
> this-command-needs-password   --passwd=gotcha  ...
> To retrieve the password from some "secrets" file or other scheme?

sudo, maybe?  What are some examples of the commands you're trying to
run this way?  su is the only thing I can think of that needs a
password when run, but does not open a connection to another machine.
(ssh, ftp, etc. can be used to open connections to the local machine
as well as a remote one, of course, but those fall under the earlier
suggestion of using ssh-based tools (scp, sftp, etc.) and an ssh rsa/
dsa key to connect passwordlessly.)

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