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Re: bash, grep, and regular expressions

Matt Zagrabelny wrote:
I have ls aliased to ls -al. What I've been attempting to do with grep and regular expressions is list only non-hidden directories and/or files. I am unable to come up with an expression that will elimate hidden files and return non-hidden files at the same time.

the last sentence above is a little misleading. ls does that by default.

so examples of what you want are:


examples of what you dont want are:


is this correct?

-matt zagrabelny

What I'm trying to do is return something like this


rather than


I have found some regular expressions that will filter out specific files and extensions, but not something that will filter exclusively on the . that signfies a hidden file or directory. The best luck I've had in filtering is to do something like this:

ls -al | grep -e ^d | grep -e '[.][a-z]'

This will filter to return directories only with the first grep command and then the second grep will return only hidden directories that begin with small caps. However, where I run into problems is:

ls -al | grep -e ^d | grep -e '[^.][a-z]'

You would think this would return only directories that begin with anything except . and begin with lower case letters. This however is not true. It returns all directories and ignores case altogether.

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