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Re: bash colors the Right Way?

I found the package sysprofile. However, it does exactly the same thing as I was doing and reports the following on install:

      There is no entry for '/etc/sysprofile'
      in this system's '/etc/profile' file.

      If you want /etc/sysprofile be sourced
      by default, append these lines to
      /etc/profile for login shells:

          if [ -f /etc/sysprofile ]; then
               . /etc/sysprofile

      Example files for /etc/sysprofile.d/ can be found in

      There is no entry for '/etc/sysprofile'
      in this system's '/etc/bash.bashrc' file.

      If you want /etc/sysprofile be sourced for
      non-login bash shells by default as well,
      append these lines to /etc/bash.bashrc:

          if [ -f /etc/sysprofile ]; then
               . /etc/sysprofile

      Example files for /etc/sysprofile.d/ can be found in

So basically it is the same as my shellstart, and will require re-installing on every bashrc upgrade. Oh well, no big whoop.

Thank you for the help. :)


Jan C. Nordholz wrote:

There is no global startup script that is executed for all types of
shells. /etc/profile is only read by login shells, and /etc/bash.bashrc
is only read by bash (login and not-login), so what you're doing is
probably the best way. I would include the shellstart file only once,
so a bash login shell wouldn't execute it twice (and probably complain
about setting already-set aliases, functions etc.)...

The only other solution I see is to modify (or create, if it doesn't
exist yet) /etc/skel/.bashrc and then propagate the changes made there
to all existing accounts. Newly created accounts will then get the
modified (i.e. shellstart-including) .bashrc. The necessary amount of work
to accomplish this mainly depends on the diversity of ~/.bashrc files your
users have at the moment...



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