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Re: My fonts look strange

Apparently, _Ben Stoker_, on 12/02/05 23:32,typed:
I am sorry if this is vague, but I am a relative newbie and don't really have any idea what the
problem could be.

Basically, I installed Sarge a few weeks ago on my PC and it all runs great except the fonts look
horrible.  Specifically, the Luxi fonts (which I installed with the ttf-xfree86-nonfree package)
look really ugly, and the Bitstream Vera fonts look way too big (somewhere between 1 and 2 pts).

I have mostly resolved the problem with the Bitstream fonts by setting the font size much smaller
in the GNOME preferences and always running gnome-settings-daemon (for GTK+2 apps) and by setting
the font size much smaller in the KDE preferences (for Qt apps).  However, it's still a problem
whenever I want to use those fonts, for example, in a word processor.  And the Luxi fonts are just
completely unusable.


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I am not sure exactly what the problem is, but for starters what is your screen resolution?

And how much do you actually expect?

Also, what are your display card and display monitor? Do you know all the specifications for these?


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