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aspell & emacs problems


I'm running Sarge and have tried to use aspell instead of ispell in
emacs. I have 3 problems:

0. Because changing only ispell-program-name to aspell would make all
dictionaries not to be found anymore (wasn't it supposed to be a drop in
replacement??), I've set ispell-local-dictionary-alist to (I use
english, portuguese and dutch)

(setq ispell-local-dictionary-alist
      (quote ((nil
	       "[^A-ZÁÉÍÓÚÀÃÕÇÜÂÊÔa-záéíóúàãõçüâêô]" "[']" nil
               ("-B" "-d/usr/lib/aspell/en_US.multi") nil iso-8859-1)

	       "[^A-ZÁÉÍÓÚÀÃÕÇÜÂÊÔa-záéíóúàãõçüâêô]" "[']" nil
	       ("-B" "-d/usr/lib/aspell/en_US.multi") nil iso-8859-1)

	       "[^A-ZÁÉÍÓÚÀÃÕÇÜÂÊÔa-záéíóúàãõçüâêô]" "[']" nil
	       ("-d/usr/lib/aspell/pt_BR.multi") nil iso-8859-1)

	       ("portugues" "[a-zA-ZÁÂÉÓàáâéêíóãú]"
	       "[^a-zA-ZÁÂÉÓàáâéêíóãú]" "[']" t ("-C"
	       "-d/usr/lib/aspell/pt_BR.multi") nil iso-8859-1)

	       "[A-Za-zÁÂÉÓàáâéêíóãú]" "[^A-Za-zÁÂÉÓàáâéêíóãú]" "[']" nil
	       ("-B" "-d/usr/lib/aspell/en_US.multi") nil iso-8859-1)

	       "[A-ZÁÉÍÓÚÀÃÕÇÜÂÊÔa-záéíóúàãõçüâêô]" "[^A-ZÁÉÍÓÚÀÃÕÇÜÂÊÔa-záéíóúàãõçüâêô]" "[']"
	       t ("-B" "-d/usr/lib/aspell/dutch") "~latin1" iso-8859-1))))

and this sort of works.... but:

1. When using english or dutch, aspell (or emacs ?) will only recognize
ASCII words and not iso8859-1: like if I try to spell "Ribeirão", and
the cursor is before ã, emacs only takes into account "Ribeir" and not
the whole word.

2. When using dutch, spell checking only works properly if the cursor is at the
second character of the word (?!?!?!?), like emacs only get the word
begining one char behind the cursor, like:


if the cursor is at the m, emacs will try to spell check "emand".

Any help appreciated,

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