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Re: Kernel Upgrade?

Steve Turnbull escribió:

On Sunday 30 January 2005 19:15, Pedro M (Morphix User) wrote:
Steve Turnbull escribió:
On Sunday 30 January 2005 18:57, Pedro M (Morphix User) wrote:
Steve Turnbull escribió:
On Sunday 30 January 2005 16:18, Max wrote:
Dear All,

Is it possible to change the Linux kernel in a Debian installation
without having to do a complete reinstall?
You can easily upgrade the kernel without reinstalling the whole
operating system - a very common thing to do. I don't know what version
of Debian you are using, but if you do;

apt-get update
apt-cache search kernel-source

you will get a list of 'debian-ified' kernels. Choose which one you want
(if your after functionality go for a 2.6.x...) and do

apt-get install kernel-source-2.6.xx

This will install the kernel SOURCE into /usr/src

Install 'quick steps' (as root), make sure you have mkinitrd tools
installed, and if you want to use your Knoppix config, find it and put
it in /tmp. I would suggest you don't use this as it compiles modules
for all sorts you probably don't need. A better solution would be to
use the config when you first installed Debian, which is in
/boot/config-x.xx.xx. Also, this assumes a 2.6 kernel;

cd /usr/src
tar xjvf kernel-source-2.6.xx
ln -s kernel-source-2.6.xx linux
cd linux

make mrproper
cp /boot/config-2.xx.xx .config (or your knoppix one?)
make menuconfig (add/delete modules etc then save & exit)
make modules_install
cd /boot
cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage linuz-2.6.xx
cp /usr/src/linuz/System.map System.map-2.6.xx

The 'make modules_install' will place your modules into

mkinitrd -o initrd.img-2.6.xx 2.6.xx

Note the space before the last '2.6.xx'. This is looking at
the /lib/modules/2.6.xx dir created earlier

Next you need to update your boot manager (I only know grub - if using
lilo then maybe someone else can help)

edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add the required fields, something similar
to this, but every setup maybe different, read up on grub if required;

title           Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.xx
root            (hd0,1)
kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.xx root=/dev/hda2 ro
initrd          /boot/initrd.img-2.6.xx

Good look

I have e version ok Knoppix to hand so I'm feeling quite brave.  I read
a vague report that the kernel is just an ordinary file in some
specific location, and it's possible to copy the old kernel to a
backup directory for safe keeping, put a new kernel in said specific
location, reboot and presto!

Finally, is there anything I should be aware of before changing the
kernel?  The only reason prompting me to change the kernel is that I
have a bit of software the documentation of which states that the
kernel should be v2.4 or later.  For instance, does a change in kernel
usually go hand in hand with changing some other part of a system?

A lot of commands. Kernel update is so usual, that would be only a
single command to do it.
I just mentioned a good way of compiling a kernel, step by step. How do
you mean 'Kernel update is so usual'?
A lot of people, do it from time to time (it's very usual ) . I prefer
a single step process (or command).

I am not familiar with a single command which updates the kernel? But, as you say, a single command which would intelligently do all of the above would be good.

Although I do like learning how to do things manually, and figure out all of the in's and out's of the working system, this isn't for everybody.

Getting back to 'kernel update', is this a script/tool you know of?



No, I am sorry a lot :-(

But I think one could create a package to execute all this commands only typing the package name (i.e. kernel-update ).


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