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Re: realplayer 10 debian package

Rick Taylor wrote:
You've got the mimetypes, etc... just reinstall.
{This is pretty easy though:

http://www.real.com/ }

On Thu, 2005-01-27 at 09:18 -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:

On Thu, 2005-01-27 at 09:57 -0500, Paul wrote:

I'm new to Debian and have been googling to find out what most users are doing to install realplayer-10. I notice real.com is updating this player with some regularity, as they bug-fix and make improvements. I'm glad to see this support for linux. But, I read that they aren't forth coming with the distribution license for Debian to be able to distribute it directly, so I guess there won't be a debian package available soon.

I also found that the older realplayer-8 had a debian-installer package that someone made, but the link to that was dead.

So, now I installed the version by downloading the rpm, then using alien to convert it, and installing it. But, this failed to install the mime-types and menu files, so it wasn't so good. Then, I used alien to create the build directory, (alien -g RealPlayer10GOLD.rpm), and edited the postinst and postrm scripts to add 'RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local' to define the directories to search to install the mimetypes and desktop config files. Then, I built it using 'fakeroot debian/rules binary'. This package seems to work ok.

But, now I see they've come out with RealPlayer-10.0.2 in December, so am at it again.

Anyone have a better solution?

I install RP10 directly from real.com, and it works perfectly.

Actually, I notice that although about:plugins shows the realplayer plugin, some sites, that use an embedded player, still won't work (i.e. http://www.bbc.co.uk/ ). I tried upgrading to the newest player, with no better success. I'm using mozilla. Have you had any success with these type sites?


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