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Re: Mouse smoothness - or lack thereof

Thomas Adam wrote:

--- "Daniel L. Miller" <dmiller@amfes.com> wrote:
I'm sure there's gotta be a way - I just haven't found it yet. How can

It sounds like you're using the wrong mouse protocol. You should edit
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4 -- and for whichever mouse your Xserver looks for,
you should change the protocol.  The typical one is "IMPS/2", although
others include "ExplorerPS/2" and "PS/2". Try changing them to see if that
has any effect.

The only parameter I've tried in the mouse config dialog in KDE 3.3 is the "acceleration" - but that does not give me the results I want.

I would imagine that's just a front-end to "xset m <foo>". Either way that
command is only useful once the correct protocol is being used.

-- Thomas Adam
Thanx, but I found a different answer. Further googling revealed the existence of the "Resolution" option. So in my XF86Config-4, I added

Option   "Resolution"   "1600"

to my mouse section - much better!!


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