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Re: Microsoft Access

On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 07:00:57PM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> school district).  That being said, they threw the kid that wrote Code 
> Red in jail, let's do something about those Access bastards.

We were talking about Access clones, not Access.  But Access does
relational integrity.

Funny story, when I worked at Microsoft I managed to read the source
code for DAO (Data Access Objects, the original object model for 
Access).  It had some hillarious comments about "Joe, a programmer who 
read and tried to understand this code.  We don't hear much from Joe 
anymore.  Last we heard he was working at the post office."  These 
comments were literally in the header file.

It was some butt-ugly code.

My little User-interface component uses schemas defined in XML and loads 
and stores data in XML.  But the key feature in it is "lookup tables," 
and automatically updating computed textual description of a record but 
only storing the ID.  And preventing you from deleting records if other 
records depend on them.

My little knockoff implements "relational integrity."  That's why I
wrote it.  Lots of other apps in Debian have it too, and mySql and 
postGres are more complicated, but mine has "just enough" and works like 
I like it without a lot of other complications and cruft.

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