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Re: AAARRRGGGGHHHH! How does one set up woody to talk to an HP Deskjet 882C printer?

On Sat, 26 Jun 2004 12:50:05 +0200, Kevin Mark
<kmark+debian-user@pipeline.com> wrote:

>On Sat, Jun 26, 2004 at 12:57:49AM -0700, the softrat wrote:
>> Where do I put the input 'magicfilter' for CUPS? I have the dreaded
>> 'staircasing' problem.
>> (Note: CUPS brags about the fact that it will overwrite my
>> '/etc/printcap' file.)

You didn't answer my question! And how come CUPS won't let me
administer my own printer??!!????

>Hi J,
>I have an hp 890c and I use hpijs.
>ii  foomatic-db-hp 1.5-20040506-1 linuxprinting.org printer support -
>ii  hpijs          1.6-1          HP Inkjet Server - Ghostscript driver
>ii  cupsconfig-kno 0.5-6          Minimalistic cups configuration script
>ii  cupsys         1.1.20final+cv Common UNIX Printing System(tm) -
>ii  cupsys-bsd     1.1.20final+cv Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - BSD
>ii  cupsys-client  1.1.20final+cv Common UNIX Printing System(tm) -
>ii  libcupsimage2  1.1.20final+cv Common UNIX Printing System(tm) -
>ic  libcupsys2     1.1.20final+cv Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - libs
>ii  libcupsys2-gnu 1.1.20final+cv Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - libs


And how do I verify/fix this?

the softrat
"Honi soit qui mal y pense." 
"The race is not always to the swift, or the battle to the strong...but that is
the way to bet."  Damon Runyan

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