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Re: OT: the pain with crosslink cables

also sprach Nate Duehr <nate@natetech.com> [2004.12.29.1042 +0100]:
> With practice, you can make an Ethernet cross-over cable in ten seconds 
> with a crimp tool and a spare piece of CAT 5 and two RJ45's.

I know. I have made many of them already. But I'd prefer not to
carry around CAT 5, RJ45's, and the crimper.

> The USB crap isn't going to run anywhere close to 100 Mb/s -- why
> bother with it?

The USB "crap" runs perfectly fine and well above 100 Mb/s. It is
USB2 after all, which has a bandwidth of around 400 Mb/s. I bother
with it simply because USB tends to be available in most places, and
it's as plug and play as you can get these days.

> By the way, an old trick -- make your crossover cables out of PINK
> Cat 5 cable.  No male alpha-geek apparently wants to be caught
> dead with a PINK cable in their backpack of toys -- so they don't
> grow legs as fast. LOL!  Mine tends to stay right where-ever
> I left it.

hehe. Or make them with rainbow stripes. :)

Then again, I am sure there are quite a lot of people who just won't
care. My last 100 metres roll of CAT 5 was pink and I had no strange
looks so far, nor did I care.

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