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Re: Backup with versioning

Bob Alexander wrote:
In my neverending tweaking of the system I would like to setup a backup cron job which would not only (possibly incrementally) save the files or directories I indicate, but for /etc and /home would keep the revisions of the files in a versioning schema (like rcs, cvs etc.) so that I have the possibility of going back to some previous state of the file.

Any ideas ?

Thank you very much,
Bob Alexander

It probably isn't the ideal solution, but I just take daily backups of my /home partition.

It is a bit of a waste of space (some days maybe only ~20MB difference over 24 users, pretty much because of emails), but there is timestamping on the tar's which are created (/backups/home_`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`.tar)

I haven't really been bothered with using things like find to only archive those which have changed since 24 hours ago, as if I wanted to restore something specifically I would have to go in reverse to find when it was last grabbed by the backup.

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