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Nautilus Gnome-vfs problem


I'm running Debian unstable, with the gnome environment. Last night I tried to create a mounted gnome-vfs volume by the "connect to server" option from the file menu in Nautilus. The connection type was SSH. I tried an smb connection to the same machine, but I wanted to try ssh connections because I heard they were more stable. The window that pops up has only two fields, link name and server address. I gave it a name, and the server address in the form of "ssh://computer.domain". The 'domain' is the search domain of my local network, so it didn't need the top-level qualifier. The same 'computer.domain' worked for the smb version of the link. So clicking "OK" creates the link in "My Computer" in Nautilus. Double-clicking that link gives me the error message that there was no application associated with SSH: for 'computer.domain'. It gives me the standard options of associating an application, or canceling. I cancel because I figured I didn't have the correct packages installed for an ssh gnome-vfs mount. After canceling, Nautilus crashes and I get a gnome message saying I can 'restart application' (which crashes again), 'end application' (or something like that), or 'alert the developers'.

I sent off the bug report but haven't gotten the number yet. At this point there is no Nautilus, so no desktop and no file-browsing in Nautilus.

I'm writing to ask you guys where I can find the file containing the metadata about that ssh link that must be screwing up Nautilus from starting??? I searched through my home directory for almost an hour looking in various dot-files and everything with 'nautilus' in the name. I couldn't find some place that seemed to mention the links.

Where is that metadata stored? My guess is that removing that section of the file will allow Nautilus to start correctly.

Thanks in advance,

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