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Re: Debian 3.3 and AHA2940UW?

John Conover wrote:

> I'm installing Debian 3.3 on a SCSI system with an Adaptec AHA2940UW.

Hmm - Woody (the last stable release) was 3.0, and Sarge (the upcoming
stable release) will be 3.1. Where did you get 3.3?

I'm guessing you mean 3.0r3 (the most recent update to Woody).

> When I boot to the Debian disk, it can't find the HD and asks for a
> floppy with the drivers.

If you haven't already, I suggest you use the 'bf24' option when booting the
install CD. This will use a 2.4-series kernel instead of the 2.2-series
kernel the installer defaults to, which has a better chance of detecting
your hardware.


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