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Stacking Security Modules

I presently use realtime-lsm to enable the jack audio server with real time 
option. I want to get dazuko working for real-time virus checks in clamav. 
Dazuko (do not use what's on Sid, old, may not compile) will not load over 
realtime-lsm because this does not support multiple modules. Dazuko does but 
must be loaded first.

Done manually from a root shell, all seems well. On startup, however, dazuko 
loads from /etc/modules, no problem. When realtime-lsm is to start, the 
script unloads the "capablility" module (which did load OK over dazuko) and 
then tries to load realtime-lsm. Get an error message that a security module 
is already in place, failed to register.

The current options are gid=29  (audio group) and mlock=0. How might I fix 

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