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Re: Fedora

----- Original Message -----
From: ken keanon
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2004 3:47 AM
Subject: Fedora

> Hi,
> This Fedora project is developing along the same line as Debian i.e.
> open-sourced. What's more, It is supported by RedHat.

Actually, Fedora might be "sponsored" by Red Hat, but it is NOT "supported"
by Red Hat.  If you have a problem with Fedora, you can't call RH for help.
You are correct that it is a community project based on Red Hat.

As a relative newbie, I found Fedora very challenging.  I had started with
RH8, and then finally got web and mail servers going with FC1, as well as a
few other network-related apps.  Then they came out with FC2 - In this case,
Fedora recommends a FULL NEW INSTALL.  With the change from FC1 -> FC2,
there were MANY complaints - changed default mail servers and various things
that were challenging for newbies especially, but considering the volume of
email on the reflector, for more experienced users also.  They have FC3
now - maybe it's smoothed out some...?

Fedora is proud to say they are on the cutting edge with short release
cycles.  However, each release always involves a fresh FULL install, and I
wasn't interested.  Maybe this would be OK for the very experienced that
were also into experimentation etc - I was looking more for some stability
and lack of frequent full upgrades.

I have loved Debian!  Others have said that one of the strengths is apt-get
and how upgrading is handled.  I've tried Sid and Sarge, and currently run
Sarge and will probably stick with Sarge when it goes stable.  If you want
leading edge desktop stuff, use unstable and enjoy the fact that it's not
really very "unstable".  Sarge is a nice compromise.  As far as support,
there's plenty right here!  (Thanks!)  - John

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