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Re: debian mirror on other dist

Rui Silva wrote:

hi there!!!

I'm trying to make a debian mirror on my university, because theres a lot of people that uses debian here, but i have a problem... the computer in witch the mirror is to be located is built using REDHAT7.3 (i know that sucks).

there is no way for me to change the dist in that machine, and i can't do mirrors in any other machine because of school policy.

the computer already have mirroring software, all I need is a way to make apt see that location as a debian mirrors. I think a have to run a dpkg comand to build those special packets that apt downloads when we make apt-get update, but how can i do it in REDHAT???

is there any way to make a mirror for debian there???

The best is to use rsync or debmirror to make the mirror and serve it with a regular ftp or http server.


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