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Re: dpkg --root functionality with apt-get?

Bruce Edge wrote:
I need to make apt-get operate on a debootstrap built tree.
I don't want to chroot into it because I need to mount --bind my local debian mirror then. Is there some -o option::whatever I can use to tell it to use this built tree as the root?

Lastly, is there a comprehensive list of all the supported -o options ?

Thanks, Bruce

The apt.conf(5) manpage has info on the the options which can be used with -o.

You need to convince dpkg that your root is elsewhere, and to have apt use the other tree's status so that it knows whats installed.

This should do it:

apt-get install (packages) -o Dpkg::options::=--root=/path/to/root -o dir::state::status=/path/to/root/var/lib/dpkg/status

Michael Spang

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