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Re: playing mkv files.

Alex Polite wrote:
I'm trying to play som mkv (matroska) video files. So far I've tried
mplayer, xine, vlc and gstreamer, all from unstable. None of them are
able to play the files. Xine complains about a missing demuxer. I know
that these programs support matroska so I guess the problem is the
debian packs aren't compiled with matroska support. Are there any
unofficial packs for unstable with matroska support, or do I have to
compile it myself?


There is no Debian package for mplayer, which plays mkv files (and just about anything else imaginable) extremely well. I am curious as to what you tried if you didn't build it from source. You can get the source from their webpage (google it) and install it to /usr/local. I don't know about any of the other players, but mplayer does work.

The only matroska packages in debian unstable are libmatroska-dev and mkvtoolnix. mkvtoolnix can mux/demux/remux matroska files, but cannot play them. libmatroska-dev is development stuff for libmatroska, which apparently isn't a debian package. (does anybody know why that is?) As for unofficial packages, go to www.apt-get.org. There are mplayer packages there, though I prefer building from cvs source just for that warm fuzzy feeling of having the latest snapshot of a great program.

Michael Spang

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