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Re: Off-topic? X-Accept-Language: header

s. keeling wrote:
Incoming from Mike White:

Point of order: what is the point of that ten mile long
"X-Accept-Language:" header of yours?  Is there any plausible reason
for all of that?  Just wondering since I've never seen that done
before, and you must be one primo linguist if all that's real.

I've been told i'm a cunning linguist, but you're right, that's ridiculous.

Funny story: I used to get all sorts of Mozilla dialog boxes coming up whenever i hit debian.org complaining that unless i installed so-and-so language pack characters from such-and-such language would not be rendered properly. So i clicked around in the settings and found some sort of language installer thing and installed everything i could. I don't have mozilla on this current system, so i can't check to see where that settings dialog was. That didn't have any affect on the rendering of debian.org, but as a bonus i now have a huge X-Accept-Language in every outgoing email.

This message is being written from Thunderbird in Ubuntu so you shouldn't see any of those excessive languages in X-Accept-Language. Please alert me if you do. :)

Thanks for the heads up,

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