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Re: moving from woody to sarge

linux@networkingnewsletter.org.uk wrote:
okay, I'm going to take the plunge and forget about using ''woody'' &
trying to upgrade the kernel (too many dependencies issues) and go str for
''sarge''... so, I presume I might as well just wipe the current
(non-WinXP!) partitions and start from scratch -- does that make sense?

You don't have to reinstall - you can just,
- replace 'woody' or 'stable' with 'sarge' in /etc/apt/sources.list
- apt-get update
- apt-get upgrade
- apt-get dist-upgrade

That should give you a functional debian/sarge :)
If you have sarge CDs, just do
- apt-cdrom add
for all of them, and then
- apt-get upgrade
- apt-get dist-upgrade



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