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Re: Limiting User Commands


* Osamu Aoki <osamu@debian.org> [2004-Nov-05 14:13 AKST]:
> On Fri, Nov 05, 2004 at 09:31:21AM -0800, Stephen Le wrote:
> > Is there an easy way to limit the commands a certain group of users
> > can execute?
> I never done this but..
> Use of chroot with bash started as rbash sems to be what you need.
> Or use of rbash with with PATH pointing to custom location where
> commands exist.

This is what I've done when I wanted to reduce the set of commands a 
user could run.  I'm sure a reasonably competant Unix user could easily 
circumvent these restrictions, but it's a good first start, and making 
such attempts would result in account suspension.

Change their shell to /bin/rbash in /etc/passwd:

    bbonds:x:50539:50539:Barry Bonds,,,:/home/bbonds:/bin/rbash

Change the ownership and permissions on their .bash_profile and .bashrc 
to root:root 644:

    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          420 Sep 21 13:05 .bash_profile
    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          746 Sep 21 13:05 .bashrc

Modify the PATH in whichever file you wish to a PATH that only includes 
the commands you wish:

    export PATH="/usr/local/rbin"

Make symbolic links between allowed commands and '/usr/local/rbin'

As I said before, this is just a simple attempt to reduce priviledge.  
There are undoubtably ways around it, some easier than others depending 
on what's in /usr/local/rbin.

Christopher S. Swingley          email: cswingle@iarc.uaf.edu (work)
Intl. Arctic Research Center            cswingle@gmail.com (personal)
University of Alaska Fairbanks   www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu/~cswingle/

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