Fw: problems with qla2x00
Matt Zagrabelny <mzagrabe@d.umn.edu> wrote on
01/11/2004 11:09:39 PM:
> > > i guess the idea is that the SAN is a single point of failure.
> >
> > But aren't single points of failure A Bad Thing?
> if either A or B fails your system fails is a bad thing. (the system
> depending on two hard drives)
> if A fails your system fails is not as bad. (the system depending
on one
> hard drive)
> >
> > Does the QLogic SAN driver support redundancy (2 cards, both
> > the same thing, so that if one card dies, the box keeps working)?
> yes, some cards do (i believe). but this one does not.
> > A simple "little" 80GB IDE hard drive doesn't seem
that complicated
> > (unless you have a dozen boxes, which is a good reason for wanting
> > to boot off the SAN).
> >
> > Booting off an IDE drive is about as simple/known/robust as one
> > could imagine. No need for special drivers, work-arounds,
> >
> > Maybe it's just me...
> the base OS doesnt need much space, so it can live on the SAN with
> data. thus the local disk is unnecessary.
The thing for me is, that I have an installed system
on an SATA - Disk, which works quite well.
Now I want to use this server as a front end to the
By now, I found out, that I can not compile qla2x00
(qla2300 for me) on a 2.6.8 - smp - Kernel. I had to go back to 2.4.27
- smp, and now I can compile the drivers...
The problem is, that the debian package only contais
source for an old driver and the rpm from qlogic did not like my debian
:-( But as long as there is alien, it does not really hurt ;-)
Thanks to matt for the hints...
> -matt zagrabelny
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