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Re: nv vs. nvidia - dual

Alvin Oga wrote:

On Fri, 29 Oct 2004, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

I use a patch to the kernel to have it separate keyboards by vt's and gdm to start 2 servers and in the start up:

huh ??? kernel patches is not needed for dual display or dual keyboards
but guess there's reasons for it ... though i'm confused why
command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X0 :0 -layout X0 -deferglyphs 16 -isolateDevice \"PCI:1:0:0\" vt7

on the one that drives the AGP and

command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X1 :1 -layout X1 -deferglyphs 16 -isolateDevice \"PCI:0:11:0\" vt17

with dual display ... you have several choices...

if you want 2 independent users on one PC ... - one kb, one mouse, one display for user1
	- another kb, another mouse, another display for user2

another choice ..
	- you want xterm in one display to be able to drag and drop into
the other display
    if xinerama is turned off
	xterm DISPLAY=localhost:0.0	disply on monitor1
xterm DISPLAY=localhost:0.1 disply on monitor2
	the xterms cannot be moved to the other monitor

if you leave xinerama out of the XF86Config, you can startx with and
without xinerama

	startx -- +xinerama

guess i dont understand what you are trying to do with 2 X binaries

and for more hair pulling, try to get mplayer to display 1/2 of its
pictures on each othe the monitors .. :-) ( on the todo list )

It's better explained here: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=5379


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